Story starters Use these story starters to kick-start your muse. We’ll write for 15 minutes. The wind shrieked through the passageway but there were no doors or windows open in the house. Above them, in a reaching gum, a kookaburra rested on a skinny limb, its blockish head still as it surveyed the creek…
Prompt-led workshop: Sunday 21 June 2020
Join us for a free, friendly and inspiring prompt-led workshop. Work on your current piece or start a new one using the prompts provided. Share your writing and receive encouraging feedback. All levels of writing experience and all genres of writing welcome.
Workshop program – June to December 2020
We’re pleased to present the proposed workshop program for the remainder of 2020. 2020 Workshop Program As always, if there’s anything you’re interested in, just let us know.
2019/2020 Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held at Traralgon Library on Saturday 14 March at 11am. All welcome. We will be posting pertinent information online in real time during the meeting. Agenda President’s Report Financial Statement
Descriptive Writing Workshop – Exercise 1
Choose one of these photos and describe it in one word, one sentence and then one paragraph.
Online Descriptive Writing Workshop – Sunday 13 October 2019 from 11am to 1pm
Join us for two hours or descriptive writing practice. Open to writers of all levels and experience. The online space is safe and inclusive.